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VIDEO | Absolut GENIAL! Balada lui Marcelo Bielsa pe acordurile Bohemian Rhapsody

VIDEO | Absolut GENIAL! Balada lui Marcelo Bielsa pe acordurile Bohemian Rhapsody



Filmul Bohemian Rhapsody a făcut senzaţie la nivel global, atât pe finalul anului trecut cât şi în debutul acestui an. Fanii lui Leeds au adaptat coloana sonoră a filmului, celebra piesă Bohemian Rhapsody a trupei Queen şi i-au schimbat versurile pentru a i le dedica antrenorului Marcelo Bielsa.

Rami Malek (37 de ani) actorul principal din filmul Bohemian Rhapsody are toate motivele să fie invidios. Fanii lui Leeds îi fac concurenţă, iar piesa lor dedicată antrenorului Marcelo Bielsa s-a transformat într-un clip viral pe internet. Versurile adaptate le găseşti mai jos:

Open your eyes
Look up to the skies
We're Leeds
I'm just a Leeds fan
From a Leeds family
Cos it's easy come
Heckingbottom had to go
Take me where the wins go
Cos it really matters
We're Leeds, we're Leeds

Too late
15 years have gone
Sent shivers down my spine
Playing League One all the time
Well goodbye Championship
We've got to go
We've gotta leave you all behind
We're taking Roofe

Ooooooo, pre season wasn't right
I sometimes wish we'd never gone to Burma no!

I see a little Heckingbottom on the bench
Sack him off, sack him off
Cos he's really really Barnsley
Thunderbolt and lighting
This football is frightening
Oh Marcelo, Oh Marcelo
Oh Marcelo, Oh Marcelo
Oh Marcelo let me go
Bielsa's here
And the devil built a side For Leeds
For Leeds
For Leeeeeeeeeeeds

So you think you can come here
And change my life?
Your coaching makes me love you
Much more than my wife
Ohhhhh Bielsa
Just you listen Bielsa
Just Gotta get out
Just Gotta get right out of this league

We're Leeds, we're Leeds

Leeds United matters
Anyone can see
Leeds United matters
Leeds United matters, to meeeeeeeeeee

Take me where the wins go

Afla mai multe despre: marcelo bielsabalada bielsaleeds united 

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